Handbags and purses have always been the favorite accessories of every woman. Without them, you can say that your entire attire is incomplete. Moreover, we all know that a woman carries their world in their bags. This is one of the prime reasons why the industries of handbags and purses are growing rapidly.
Several companies in the market are coming up with new designs and new styles every season. Among them, several reputed brands have been ruling this industry for a very long time. Every woman wants to purchase the handbags and purses made by them, but they are pretty expensive. Owning a designer bag is a dream of every woman, but the sad part is they are highly expensive and not everyone is capable of purchasing them.
This is where the trend of opting for a replica purse version of the original handbags and purses began. Several companies are selling the total replicas of the designer bags and they are also flourishing at the same time. A lot of complexities come when you are opting for a designer bag and sometimes it is not just about the price. One needs to be very careful when it comes to handling a designer bag. Since it’s replica bag you don’t have to be very much particular about handling it properly, but you can also stay stylish and with the trend. Most of the time replicas made of the bags that are from famous companies and those are mentioned below.

- GUCCI: Gucci is one of the most reputed and luxurious brands of Italy that deals with leather and fashion goods. It was founded in the year 1921 by Guccio Gucci. It has more than 278 stores. Gucci has been very creative and they sell suitcase, bamboo handle handbags, totes and many more.

- LOUIS VUITTON: Louis Vuitton is a French company that was founded in the year 1854. They are selling different types of accessories like a bag. This is a high-end store that generates huge revenue every year. If you want to look stylish then you need to opt for their bags. It is one of the most powerful brands and it makes good quality bags.

- Hermès: is a French luxury design house established in 1837. It specializes in leather goods, lifestyle accessories, home furnishings, perfumery, jewelry, watches and ready-to-wear. Its logo, since the 1950s, is of a Duke carriage with horse.
These are the names of all the popular branded designer luxurious handbag making companies whose replicas you will be able to get in the market. Most of the potential customers are into these brands and which is why handbags and replica purse of these bags are readily available in the market.
Edited by: Amanda Tylor